1984 Chilly Willy for Microbee
I made this after playing Pengo in the arcades. I sent if off to Honeysoft, a local publisher, who agreed to publish it on cassette tape for the Microbee computer. It was sold in Australia and Sweden.

1985 Halloween Harry
I followed up Chilly Willy with Halloween Harry, inspired by Ghostbusters but with an original game design. Also published by Honeysoft but this time on computer disk!

1993 Halloween Harry / Alien Carnage
Harry returned in 1993 on the PC. This was published by Apogee around the world and did pretty well!

1994 Flight of the Amazon Queen
Inspired by LucasFilm games this actually began production around the same time as Halloween Harry but was a huge undertaking. It’s now available on iOS and will be out on Android in 2015 for the 20th Anniversary!
Click here to download the iOS version!
1996 Zombie Wars
Our follow up to Halloween Harry, I think this is the superior game. Introduced Diane as a playable character as well as new characters Beagle, Doc M.F. and Squiggly.

1999 Mike Stewart’s Pro Bodyboarding
2000 Halloween Spirit Board
I love unusual stuff and A.I. in the vein of Eliza. This was an interactive Ouija board in 3D.

2000 The Chronicles of Jaruu Tenk
Another unusual/ambitious interactive toy. Kind of like Animal Crossing mixed with The Sims but before either of those games existed.

2000 Championship Surfer
2001 Barbie Beach Vacation
2001 Extremely Goofy Skateboarding
2001 Boom Time
2002 Barbie’s Sparkling Ice Show
2002 TY the Tasmanian Tiger
This game is so Aussie that it offended some local reviewers because it seemed like a cliche. Thing is that most of the dialogue and characters were based on real people I knew!

2003 Jimmy Neutron: Jet Fusion
2004 King Arthur
2004 TY the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue
Follow up to Ty. Like all games from this year, it was heavily pushed toward taking on the GTA open world model by our publisher...

2005 TY the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the Quinkan
2005 Word Shake!
My first casual game made for PC using the PopCap framework!

2006 Destroy All Humans! 2
A great game to work on and a follow up to the fun original!

2007 Brainiversity
I like brain training games. This was my PC answer to Nintendo’s brain training series.

2009 Brainiversity 2
Yep. I like brain training.

2009 Hospital Town on Facebook
My first Facebook game. We were the first on Facebook to introduce a quest syetem into our games!

2010 Virtual Villagers on Facebook
This had so much potential but was sadly cancelled before it could fulfil that potential.

2008 Brainiversity on Facebook
Wow, another brain training game.

2010 Galactic Trader on Facebook
While most Facebook games were super casual we decided to make something a little more hard core.

2011 Galactic Allies on Facebook
The success of Galactic Trader led to Galactic Allies!

2012 Brainiversity on Mac App Store
2012 Save Our Village on iOS
My first iPhone game. Very proud of this one.
Click here to download the iOS version!

2012 Silly Snaps on iOS
I made this with my daughter. It’s a family friendly photo captioning app.
Click here to download the iOS version!

2012 Cheeky Caps on iOS
My foray into making a not-so-tamily-friendly photo captioning app. I pulled it down
2013 Save Our Village on Android
My only game release of 2013.
2014 Beetastic on iOS and Android
Very proud of this game that I made with my kids. Got featured on the App Store and the Google Play Store!
Click here to download the iOS version!

2014 Brainiversity on iOS
I spent too long making this game and made it too much like the PC/Mac versions. Have decided to do future brain training games specifically for iOS and take advantage of all that platform offers - see the next two games!
Click here to download the iOS version!

2015 Snappy Word on Apple Watch, iOS
My first Watch App game that was available with the Apple Watch launch! Made for Right Pedal Studios. Super happy with how this turned out.
Click here to download the game!

2015 Smart Attack on Apple Watch, iOS
Another brain training game! Made before Snappy Word but released after it.